Debby Shabo Wade

Debby Shabo Wade works full time at the Adventist Media Center in Simi Valley, California. "My family is who I have centered most of my life around. Ken, my husband of 27 years, is my best friend who I admire greatly as an author and confidant." The Wades have two sons--Adam, a US Marine and newlywed; and Seth, a college student.

Debby is also a skilled musician and sought-after vocalist. Her music ministry keeps her busy traveling and helping with women's ministry meetings, concerts, and spiritual emphases at churches.

Besides music and her family, her other passion is cooking--a task she took up for her family at the age of five. "My single mother worked so much that I was assigned the cooking duties for our family of five. I got real good at it, expanded my knowledge in college, and graduated with a Home Economics major--emphasis in foods. I have always collected recipes and cookbooks. Now I have the privilege of publishing one of my own."

As if singing and cooking weren't enough, Debby's secret ambition is to work for the F.B.I.

Debby is available to schedule cooking classes for camp meetings, churches, conventions, etc.

Fees: Food, lodging, and expenses related to cooking demonstrations.

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