Contact Us

This Contact Us page is handled by the webmaster not your local Adventist Book Center.

We will attempt to forward any questions you have about your order to the local Adventist Book Center that serves your territory. Having your zip code or country will assist us in forwarding emails in a more timely manner.

You can find the contact information for your local Adventist Book Center by using our

  • Store Directory (All Adventist Book Centers world wide that we are aware of)

Address Changes / Requests to Remove your name from a mailing list:

If are submitting an address change or request to be removed from an address list, please include a description of what you received or the name of the magazine. We will attempt to forward your request to the appropriate persons.

If you are wanting to submit an address change request for a magazine, periodical, or personal Sabbath School subscription, click here to use the address change form.

If you just placed an order and need to make a change:

Please contact the Adventist Book Center that will handle your order. The order confirmation email you recieved contains the store contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If you have questions about having product placed on the web site, locating out-of-print books, etc, please review our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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