One Voice

One Voice began in 1997 in New England. They have grown from a "just-for-fun" singing group into a five-man evangelism team.

The main focus of One Voice is youth ministry. Recruiting support from the churches they sing at, the members spend weekends ministering to high-school and academy students through music ministry and life-changing seminars.

One Voice sings a wide variety of music that minister to teens, young adults, and the elderly, and they can be found singing for schools and camps as well as nursing homes and hospitals. It is their prayer that Christ will be seen through each of their members and that their ministry will bring others to the Savior.

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." (John 17:21)

One Voice is:
Nicholson Montour - High Tenor/Lead
Kayombo Kamawu - High Tenor/Lead
David Berthiaume - Tenor/Lead
Bradley Booth - Baritone/Lead
Sean Parker - Bass

Currently Available From One Voice

Audio CD
Copyright 2007
Special Price $2.97 Regular Price $15.98
Audio CD
Copyright 2007
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