El corazón del adventismo (Espanol)

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Description / El corazón del adventismo (Espanol)
"¡Qué libro importante es este! Entender el tema de esta obra será un escudo contra los miles de engaños que sacuden al mundo cristiano, sobre todo las múltiples formas de espiritualidad seductora. A causa de la niebla producida por el gran conflicto, este libro le dará al lector las pruebas instantáneas para discernir la verdad del error. Aquí, usted encontrará la verdad y la bondad amorosa en perfecto equilibrio. Conocer el plan de batalla del diablo quizá no lo proteja contra sus golpes, pero le proveerá motivos fuertes para permanecer fiel al Señor." -- Jay Gallimore, Presidente de la Asociación de Michigan de la iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día.
The Heartbeat of Adventism
"What a book this is! Understanding the theme in this book will be a shield against the thousands of delusions sweeping the Christian world; especially the many forms of seductive spirituality. Because the fog of war surrounds the great controversy, this book will give the reader instant tests to discern truth from error. Here you will find truth and loving-kindness in perfect balance. Knowing evil’s battle plan may not guard against bruises, but it surely will provide hardy reasons to remain loyal.” – Jay Gallimore, President, Michigan Conference of Seventh –day Adventists
“In postmodern times, when the world and the church seek after a fresh experience of Christianity, Dr. Herbert Douglass’s clear and deep analysis of Ellen White’ understanding of the great controversy theme will provide honest seekers with the indispensable big picture from which to frame their quest after truth. Many will find this work to be useful also as a tool to find the real God of Scripture hidden behind the maze of conflicting theological and ministerial traditions accumulated through the history of the Christian church.” Fernando Canale, Professor of Theology, Andrews University Theological Seminary
“This volume is a first, and long needed. I commend it to everyone who truly wants to understand the life-and-death issues of living and salvation. The reader will be amazed by how much he or she will discover about the great controversy, never known before. This gold mine of spiritual understanding is accompanied by a comprehensive index to assist in finding just the right line or subject for which you are looking. Totally unique and invaluable to the casual and serious student alike.” – Tom Mostert, Retired president, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
More Information
Item Format | Paperback |
Author Name | Herbert E. Douglass |
Publisher | Pacific Press Publishing Association |
Weight (lbs) | 1.400000 |
Page Count | 384 |
Language | Español |
Year Published | 2011 |