Em busca de identidade (Português)

ISBN: 9788534509275

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Como as crenças adventistas se modificaram através dos anos? George Knight revela, com franqueza, o vaivém das correntes doutrinárias dentro do adventismo.

Description / Em busca de identidade (Português)

Como as crenças adventistas se modificaram através dos anos? George Knight revela, com franqueza, o vaivém das correntes doutrinárias dentro do adventismo, inclusive as controvérsias sobre a porta fechada, a lei em Gálatas na assembléia da Associação Geral de 1888, a Trindade, o panteísmo, o fundamentalismo, a natureza de Cristo e a inspiração.


A Search for Identity (Portuguese)

How did we come to believe what we believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration.

The Adventist Church was founded by independent thinkers who would have disagreed with several of the church's current 27 fundamental beliefs. But over the years strength arose out of contention, and consensus out of debate. From William Miller to Desmond Ford, Knight catalogues the colorful personalities who shaped the discussion, and shows how God has led His church into broader and deeper understanding of His eternal truth.

"This book has the potential of being one of the most influential books written within Adventism in the past 75 years."--Willmore Eva, Editor, Ministry Magazine

More Information

Item Format Paperback
Author Name George R. Knight
Weight (lbs) 0.460000
Page Count 224
Language Português
Year Published 2005
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