Esperanza para el tiempo del fin (Espanol)

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Descripción / Esperanza para el tiempo del fin (Espanol)
Las amenazas terroristas, la violencia en las escuelas, los tornados devastadores, una economía inestable, la amenaza nuclear creciente en Irán y Corea del Norte, es suficiente para asustar a cualquiera, a menos que entienda lo que está detrás de los titulares de hoy. El libro que usted tiene en sus manos ofrece respuestas reales a la situación confusa que este mundo está enfrentando. A medida que exploremos lo que la Biblia dice acerca de lo que realmente está pasando en nuestro mundo, descubrirá respuestas satisfactorias para su intelecto y su corazón.
End-Time Hope
Terrorist threats, school violence, devastating tornadoes, a shaky economy, the rising nuclear threat in Iran and North Korea--it's enough to frighten anybody unless you understand what's behind today's headlines. This book provides answers to the confusing dilemma this world is facing. You will experience hope as you read each chapter. As we explore what the Bible says about what is really going on in our world, you will discover answers that satisfy your head and speak to your heart. There is some incredibly good news in this book by Mark Finley.
The Biblical teaching of the return of our Lord does raise some questions. How will Jesus come? Is it a secret, silent coming or a majestic glorious event? What events will precede Jesus' return? Has our Lord Himself given us end-time signs that signal His coming is near? What is the meaning of Armageddon and the Tribulation? What about the rise of the antichrist? How can we prepare for the coming of our Lord? Every chapter of End-Time Hope echoes with certainty, and best of all, the answers come directly from Jesus' own words in the Bible.
You can face the future with greater confidence. In these pages you will look beyond what is to what will be, and your heart will soar. Joy will be yours as you discover hope for today, tomorrow and forever.
Más Información
Item Format | Paperback |
Author Name | Mark Finley |
Publisher | Pacific Press Publishing Association |
Weight | 0.190000 |
Page Count | 128 |
Language | Español |
Year Published | 2013 |