Mensagens Escolhidas, Vol.1 (Edição Atualizada - Encadernado - Cinza) (Português)

ISBN 9788534528979

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Mensagens escolhidas é um tipo único de compilação, visto procurar reunir e por permanentemente à disposição, não somente valiosos artigos de revistas e declarações de manuscritos, mais também certos inapreciáveis panfletos e folhetos antigos.

Description / Mensagens Escolhidas, Vol.1 (Edição Atualizada - Encadernado - Cinza) (Português)

Mensagens escolhidas é um tipo único de compilação, visto procurar reunir e por permanentemente à disposição, não somente valiosos artigos de revistas e declarações de manuscritos, mais também certos inapreciáveis panfletos e folhetos antigos.

Apresenta mensagens de conforto aos aflitos ou aos que se acham em face da morte, e um bom grupo de artigos de revistas tratando extensamente de pontos centrais de doutrinas.


From "A Word to the Reader"

Selected Messages is a unique type of compilatin, in that it seeks to gather together and make permanently available not only valuable periodical articles and manuscript statements but also certain priceless old pamphlets and tracts now out of print. Included among the counsels here presented are her statements on inspiration written in the mind-and-lat1880s's, her observations on the "two laws" penned at about the turn of the century, the pamphlet, "Should Christians Be Members of Secret Societies?" published in 1983, messages of comfort to those in affliction or facing death, and sizzlingle group of periodical articles dealing at length with key doctrinal points.

Certain of these materials have been brought to the attention of the church through reprints of Mrs. White's articles in our journals ann leaflets, and in some cases through quotations in the books of other authors dealing with the Spirit of prophet. Still, these sources cannot be included in the Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White.

Selected Messages, books 1 and 2, include items that have been published in Notebook leaflets, formerly known as "Elmshaven" Leaflets. These miscellaneous leaflets treating many subjects have been highly valued. Not a few of the documents from which these were drawn, however, were through subsequent years embodied in such books as Medical Ministry, Evangelism, and The Adventist Home. In other cases, paralleling statements appear in these books of more recent issues.

Those portions that still have a unique place in presenting counsel and instruction have been included in Selected Messages. Hence it will not be necessary longer to keep the Notebook Leaflets in print. The issuance of these volumes also makes possible the presentation of small groups of choice materials not published before but which will be greatly appreciated.


Section I. The Light on Our Pathway
Section II. Christian Experience
Section III. Revival and Reformation
Section IV. "Preach the Word"
Section V. Christ and the Doctrines
Christ and the Law
Incarnation-The Nature of Christ
The Temptation of Christ
Christ, Creator, and Life-giver
Christ, Our Divine Sin Bearer
Christ Our Righteousness
Further Light

More Information

Item Format Hardback
Publisher CPB
Weight (lbs) 1.160000
Page Count 352
Language Português
Year Published 2022
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