Preguntas y Respuestas Acerca de la Ordenación de la Mujer (Español)

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Description / Preguntas y Respuestas Acerca de la Ordenación de la Mujer (Español)
A veces las cuestiones complicadas de naturaleza teológica pueden generar más calor que luz. Creo que una lectura reflexiva de este libro contribuirá a la luz que muchos están buscando sobre el tema de la ordenación de la mujer.
Gordon Bietz, presidente de la Southern Adventist University
Este libro ofrece un llamamiento a tomar en serio la Palabra de Dios y la obra esencial del Espíritu Santo. Los editores comparten respuestas bíblicas claras a las preguntas más comunes sobre la ordenación de la mujer. A esta altura de la historia de la tierra, Preguntas y respuestas sobre la ordenación de la mujer puede contribuir a que la iglesia se mantenga unida en el cumplimiento de su misión.
Tara Vincross, pastora principal de la Iglesia Adventista REACH en Filadelfia y directora de la Escuela de Evangelismo Urbano REACH de la Unión de Columbia.
In Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination, Martin Hanna, PhD and Cindy Tutsch, DMin take an indepth look at this much discussed issue of women's ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Here is what many thought leaders in the church have to say about this work:
The question and answer approach of Hanna and Tutsch regarding the Bible and Adventist church history and policy gives hope in the fulfillment of Joel's prophetic vision found in Joel 2:28-31. This thorough undertaking on the relevant subject of women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church is timely and needed.
-- Ivan L. Willams Sr, Ministerial Director, North American Division
Sometimes complicated issues of a theological nature can result in more heat than light. I believe that a thoughtful reading of this book will contribute to the light that many are searching for on the issue of women's ordination.
-- Gordon Bietz, President, Southern Adventist University
This book offers a compelling call to take seriously God's Word and the essential work of the Holy Spirit. The editors share clear, biblical answers to the most common questions about ordination and gender. At this time in earth's history, Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination is much-needed cry for the church to stand united in God's mission.
-- Tara Vincross, Lead Pastor, REACH Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church and Director REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School
I believe the Spirit of God has guided our community of faith into a prayerful, collective study of the role of women in gospel ministry. While church commissions and committees have already invested hundreds of hours in the study, this book's concise and clear Q & A presentation will be an invaluable aid to all of us who seek God's will for our third millennial church.
-- Dwight K. Nelson, Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University
I believe that the editorial team for this book has been used mightly by God to provide an invaluable resource for the church. I highly recommend this work to all who are seeking solid, satisfying, biblically based answers to the key questions related to women's ordination.
-- Richard M. Davidson, J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University
If you are looking for understandable answers to the question of why Bible-believing Adventists support the ordination of women to pastoral ministry, this book is a great place to start.
-- Teresa L. Reeve, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of New Testament Contexts, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
More Information
Item Format | Paperback |
Author Name | Cindy Tutsch,Martin Hanna, PhD |
Publisher | Pacific Press Publishing Association |
Weight (lbs) | 6.000000 |
Page Count | 160 |
Language | Español |
Year Published | 2015 |