Hymns in Flamenco Guitar CD

ISBN: 4023208429

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With this recording Daniel brings familiar hymn tunes alive through an instrumental musical expression with his Flamenco Guitar. Allow this music to transport you to a unique musical space where you can experience favorite hymns and praise the Creator of music.

Description / Hymns in Flamenco Guitar CD

With this recording Daniel brings familiar hymn tunes alive through an instrumental musical expression with his Flamenco Guitar. Allow this music to transport you to a unique musical space where you can experience favorite hymns and praise the Creator of music.

Songs Include:

  1. I’ve Found A Friend in Jesus
  2. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
  3. This is My Father’s World
  4. Jamás Podrá Alguien Separarnos
  5. Far Beyond The Sun
  6. Huye Cual Ave a su Monte
  7. Cuan Glorosia Será la Mañana
  8. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
  9. Amazing Grace
  10. I Want to Sing Like King David
  11. Be Thou My Vision
  12. En el Altar de Dios, Jerusalén Qué Bonita Eres, Como las Águilas Medly

More Information

Item Format Audio CD
Author Name Daniel Martinez
Weight (lbs) 0.140000
Language Español
Year Published 2014
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