More from Elizabeth TalbotJesus 101 SeriesPaperback books - English Paperback books - Spanish DVDs - English DVDs - Spanish Redemption HistoryRedemption History DVD #1
Surprised by Love Bible Study GuidesBy Elizabeth Talbot This ten week bible study series for women covers God's surprising plan, beauty, promise, kinship, faithfulness, rescue, grace, assurance, reunion, and restoration. These lessons are designed to be especially effective when used in conjunction with a small group. No matter how you use them, you will be blessed beyond measure.
Surprised by Love, the bookYou may also enjoy reading Elizabeth Talbot's book, Surprised by Love. The story of our Creator-Redeemer and the greatest “love surprise” of all time. It surprised Adam and Eve. It surprised the deceitful serpent. It surprised the adulterous woman of John 8. It surprised the Pharisees. It surprised the disciples. It even surprised the heavenly angels. And it continues to surprise us today. “The deceiver thought that he had outsmarted God! He never expected that love would win. Perhaps, humans themselves thought that they were beyond redemption! But, ‘where sin increased, grace abounded all the more’ (Romans 5:20) Maybe you’ve heard the story before. Maybe this is your first time. Either way, when you behold the unexpected rescue of God’s children, you will be amazed at His love – at His passion for His children, and you will be surprised by love. Click here for more information on Surprised By Love (English) |