The Haystacks Church

SKU: 9780828026987
By:   Andy Nash

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Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively. Male or female, young or old, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together—haystacks.

Descripción / The Haystacks Church

Haystacks are a fitting symbol of the diversity that exists in the Adventist Church.  We are all so different—we have assorted talents, perspectives, struggles, and triumphs.  And we mingle together in different combinations according to geographic location, preferences in worship style, and even age range.  So what does this mixture “taste” like?  What does it mean to be Adventist, to be part of the Adventist Church?

Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively.  He ponders the reason young people are leaving the church.  He studies the backgrounds of various Bible passages.  He wonders how Jesus would do church, and challenges us to give up our dream—as part of living out the first commandment.

Male or female, young or old, rich or poor, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together—haystacks.

Más Información

Item Format Paperback
Author Name Andy Nash
Publisher Review and Herald Publishing
Weight 0.500000
Page Count 160
Language English
Year Published 2013

Reseñas de cliente

Another great book from Andy
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I love the honesty, as Andy talks about his own struggles with Adventism, and wrestles with what it means to be Adventist, at a time when many are leaving the church for various reasons. He calls us back to grappling with Scripture, being authentic with what we find there, and finding community together.

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