Evangelios en conflicto Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017 (Espanol)

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Description / Evangelios en conflicto Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017 (Espanol)
La carta de pablo a los Gálatas
Hace quinientos años, el mundo experimentó uno de sus grandes puntos decisivos. En 1517, un oscuro monje agustino en Wittenberg, Alemania, clavó 95 proposiciones, o tesis, en la puerta de una reconcida catedral.
Las 95 tesis de Lutero pronto saltaron el cerco que separaba el mundo acedémico del mundo político y de la piedad cristiana personal, y provocaron una revolución, o Reforma, que no solo transformó el mundo occidental sino además, finalmente, por medio de las misiones mundiales, afectó al planeta entero.
La Epístola a los Gálatas, con su descripción de evangelios en conflicto entre los primeros creyentes cristianos, expuso a Lutero los problemas básicos del Nuevo Testamento. Estos temas son todavía centrales quinientos años más tarde.
Gospels in Conflict Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017 (Spanish)
Like a cannon shot—such are the opening words of Galatians, in a barrage that will extend throughout the six chapters of Paul’s letter to Galatia.
Paul doesn’t beat around the bush with pleasantries and courtesies but gets right to the heart of the matter. And with good reason—his credentials and his message have been challenged! As a result he feels a responsibility to set the record straight: his authority, his calling, came not from the church leaders in Jerusalem, or from any other earthly authority; his commission came directly from Jesus Christ and God the Father.
In order to understand the book of Galatians, it is important to understand the crisis that provoked Paul’s fiery response. These issues prompted Luther to nail 95 propositions to the church door in Wittenburg, Germany, 500 years ago, and they are still central to Christianity today.
The Christians in Galatia had received the genuine gospel from Paul along with the Holy Spirit. They had a genuine Christian experience. But certain Jewish Christians had come along some time after Paul established the gospel in Galatia and convinced them that something more was needed to receive God’s full blessing. The Galatians accepted a counterfeit gospel.
Galatians is perpetually relevant because it deals with three issues central to the Christian faith: authority, the plan of salvation, and unity. As you study this most important book and work through some of the most significant words ever penned, may you be inspired to personal reformation.
More Information
Item Format | Paperback |
Author Name | George R. Knight |
Weight (lbs) | 0.290000 |
Page Count | 128 |
Language | Español |
Year Published | 2017 |