God For Us

ISBN 0816324263

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In this, his second book on the Gospel of John, Jim Gilley's down-to-earth writing style handles the timeless truths from John's Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century. The reader will discover the attributes of a true disciple-humility, loyalty, and love. God For Us also looks at John 17 - "the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture."

Description / God For Us

Known for his down-to-earth writing and preaching style, Jim Gilley handles the timeless truths from John’s Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century.  Through personal stories and life experiences, John’s pictures of Jesus become alive and relevant.

In God For Us, Gilley’s second book on the gospel of John, you will discover the attributes of a true disciple – humility, loyalty, and love.  “Jesus is Love personified, for He is God, and ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). Without Jesus’ presence, how is the world to know what true love is?”

You will be touched again by Jesus’ heartfelt prayer as recorded in John 17 – “the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture.”

You will watch the disciples as they are changed from rough, selfish men into tender, selfless Christians as they follow their Lord and Master from the Garden to the cross and from the empty tomb into the upper room.

Most important, you will realize as John did, that everything Jesus did, He did for you.  And you will be drawn to receive Him into your own heart as your personal Savior. 

“Jesus wants to be a very real part of your life today.  He doesn’t want to be just Someone that you sing about and pray to on Sabbath morning.  He wants to be your constant Companion.  And He will be – if you let Him.”

More Information

Item Format Paperback
Author Name James W. Gilley
Publisher Pacific Press Publishing Association
Weight (lbs) 0.650000
Page Count 160
Language English
Year Published 2010

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