Help! I'm a Parent Kit

ISBN: 9781577560760

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This kit includes everything you need to lead a group through Help! I’m a Parent. This resource is ideal for use individually, as a couple, or in a group meeting in the home, church, or at a local church school.

Description / Help! I'm a Parent Kit

In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be.  Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed expressed a concern that they were not doing a very good job of parenting.

In essence, the study concluded that, “for today’s mothers and fathers, there is no clear map that charts the path for nurturing the next generation of adults” (Bowman, 2012, page 10).

We bring you good news. There is a map! The map that charts the path of parenting for us is the Word of God. Scripture’s principles for parenting are timeless.

Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World will inspire and encourage parents, grandparents, and caregivers on your journey as disciple-makers of your children. It addresses common challenges experienced by parents of children from birth through age seven. Topics include how to handle discipline, planning family worship, teaching healthy habits, and more.

This kit includes everything you need to lead a group through Help! I’m a Parent. This resource is ideal for use individually, as a couple, or in a group meeting in the home, church, or at a local church school.

Kit includes:

  • Instructions for sharing this parenting seminar with your church and community
  • Book
  • Two-DVD set featuring 10 30-minute segments
  • Lapel pin
  • And more!

Journey with authors Pamela and Claudio Consuegra as they explore the God-given role of parenting. You will be motivated to take up this exciting challenge and experience the blessings of parenthood. 

More Information

Item Format Set
Author Name Dr. Claudio Consuegra
Weight (lbs) 1.700000
Language English
Year Published 2015
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