How To Kill Adventist Education

ISBN 9780828024198

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How to Kill Adventist Education takes a hard look at the troubles plaguing Adventist schools. Not only are those problems identified, along with their root causes, but a simple yet effective strategy for change is proposed.

Description / How To Kill Adventist Education

Between 1980 and 2005 Seventh-day Adventist Church membership in the North American Division increased by 75 percent. In that same 25-year period K-12 enrollment in Adventist schools dropped by nearly 25 percent. What happened? And why?

How to Kill Adventist Education takes a hard look at the troubles plaguing Adventist schools. Not only are those problems identified, along with their root causes, but a simple yet effective strategy for change is proposed. And by using this proven strategy, failing schools have successfully transformed into thriving centers of Christ-oriented education.

So yes, there is hope for Adventist education. Now, let’s get down to business!

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Item Format Paperback
Author Name Shane Anderson
Publisher Review and Herald Publishing
Weight (lbs) 0.480000
Page Count 160
Language English
Year Published 2009

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Customer Reviews

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At the time I read Shane Anderson's book I was involved as a substitute teacher in a k-8 Adventist school. I also have two children who attended the school, so I had opportunity to view his book in light of my experience. The school, unfortunately was involved in political stress from the Conference level. The Conference I was with at the time had already closed its academy several years prior due to dropping enrollments, and financial concerns. Anderson's book, the examples presented which kill Adventist education, and some of the turn-around solutions offered were very apparent for me. Politics within some realms of Adventism seem to be more important sometimes than the value of educating youth, and producing Christians God can use. Anderson's book offers good, I think great advice to turn the tide. It takes commitment by concerned, dedicated individuals who are willing to rise above politics, and to do God's work. The value of the book can only be realized if those concerned consider it, and its purpose valuable.
How to kill Adventist EDucation
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This is an excellent book which I wish that more Adventist, Christians and educators would read. My non-Adventist husband and myself sacrificed to send put 2 girls through Adventist school. But it was worth it in terms of eternal rewards. A lot of Adventist parents say why spend the money, when the public school down the street is better. NO, it is not. I am an educator who worked many years in our state's Office of Education. Believe me, the public schools are not like when my husband and I attended them. WE did not get the privilege of an Adventist Christian education. My daughter had the highest scores when she took out state's public schools basic exam. My second daughter has not taken that test yet, but has a 3.9 GPA. My children were blessed by attending Adventist schools, are yours?
How to Kill Adventist EDucation
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This is an excellent book with specific examples of how Adventist Education can be saved. Adventists schools have been rated very highly in national studies of educational institutions. Currently, a large number of Adventists are converts and did not grow up in the church. When there is a free public school close by, many Adventists reason why pay for an Adventist education. I went from kindergarden through college at public schools. I chose to send my children to Adventist schools as far as I could.One child went from kindergarden through 10th grade and the other Pre-kindergarden through 7 th grade. Why did my husband and I pay for an Adventist education? During this time I also worked as an inspector for my state office of Education. I visited a large number of public schools at all grade levels.

First public schools have a variety of religions and to maintain church and state boundaries are not in the business of teaching religion, nor should they be. I preferred my children to have a Christ centered Education, the classes are small and the teachers really cared about the students. Also, the world we live in is very wicked and this wickedness in society has permeated our public schools. I want my children prepared for eternity and I believe that I have to do every thing that I can to see that they are are. I am middle class person and I have made financial sacrifices so that my children could attend Adventist schools. If they become Christians, accept Jesus as their savior and are in heaven my sacrifice will be worth it.

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