Jaime Jorge

Jaime Jorge immigrated to the United States at the age of ten and studied with the eminent violinist Cyrus Forough. In 1994, Jaime was accepted into the medical program by the University of Illinois School of Medicine, taking steps toward pursuing his dream of becoming a missionary doctor. In 1996, he left medical school to devote himself to full-time music ministry.

Jaime has traveled more than six million air miles, playing in more than forty countries and six continents, including North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. He has recorded and released seventeen albums and has given more than three thousand concerts. Jaime sees each concert as a brand new opportunity to share the love of Jesus with others. It is his greatest passion to encourage and challenge each person to dedicate and use their talents for God's honor and glory!

Jaime is married to Rachelle Pecovsky, and they live in Tennessee.

Currently Available From Jaime Jorge

Special Price $15.97 Regular Price $19.98
DVD - Video
Copyright 2006
Special Price $15.97 Regular Price $19.98
DVD - Video
Copyright 2012
Copyright 2013
Special Price $8.97 Regular Price $10.99
Copyright 2014
Audio CD
Copyright 2023
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