Health & Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life

ISBN: 9780816357352

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Discover surprisingly simple ways to avoid such chronic killers as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. You’ll learn how good nutrition heals the body and clears the mind; how purpose increases resilience; how love and forgiveness mend the heart!
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Description / Health & Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life

How much would you pay to learn the secrets to lifelong health and wellness?

Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life shows you spectacularly simple ways to avoid such chronic killers as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. You'll learn how good nutrition heals the body and boosts the mind; how purpose increases resilience; how love and forgiveness mend the heart!

Health and Wellness caught the attention of award-winning documentary filmmaker Martin Doblmeier. “While there are countless self-help books on the market today, Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life stands apart because it speaks from proven success. Contained in these insightful chapters is an emphasis on making wise choices about the riches entrusted to each of us—a body that has the potential to heal itself, a mind capable of the extraordinary, and a spirit that longs to be reunited with the Creator. This book not only offers a road map for a healthier, more productive life—it provides the greatest gift of all: the reason for the journey.”

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Item Format Paperback
Author Name Dr. Peter N. Landless,Margaret White Theile,Mark Finley
Publisher Pacific Press Publishing Association
Weight (lbs) 0.250000
Page Count 128
Language English
Year Published 2014

Customer Reviews

How to lose billy fat?
Review by
You can’t actually “burn” fat cells. Ignore people who say you can. You are born with a certain number of fat cells, you will die with the same number . These cells store lipids when you consume more calories than you burn, and then they will release lipids to be metabolized for energy when you consume fewer calories than you need.
Bottom line, though: your body needs a certain amount of fat. Your body needs fat. Your brain needs fat. Not too much, but the right amount. Burning too many lipids, too fast? Extreme prolonged calorie deficit? That can cause more problems than it solves.
The trick is to maintain a safe small calorie deficit over a prolonged time, to allow the body to adjust and to prevent problems caused by starvation. Also, denying yourself from EVER eating something is a recipe for failure.
-DO add exercise in. Not going bananas, don’t seek to be the next American Ninja Warrior. If you injure yourself, you’re out for a while.
But exercise isn’t primarily for fat loss, the goal is to improve your overall heath and extend your life. It also reduces stress, and some people comfort themselves with food.
As an aside, sit ups don’t burn fat, they build muscle. Same with planks.
I would add fast daily walks, short jogs, and begin basic strength training every other day if you’ve never exercised.
-Do limit certain foods, but DON’T try and totally deny yourself treats. It’s going to be easier to make a small change, sustain it, add another small change, and so on. Cut back from two glasses of wine, to one. Have dessert on one or two nights a week, not every night. Limit sodas to special occasions.
Make sure your plate is 3/4 vegetables, and 1/4 lean protein. Allow yourself small indulgences, but don’t binge.
The minute you deny yourself something, that’s going to be what you crave. And that can be your waterloo.
The diet and weight loss industry is not set up to have you successfully lose weight. They want lifetime customers. People who keep weight off don’t buy more Atkins (tm) brand food, or go back to SlimFast.
-Ignore fads. Some people are gluten free because they are allergic or intolerant. Don’t go gluten free to be slimmer. You actually do well with a little gluten, if you can. Whole grains are better. Or, if you can’t have gluten (allergy?) go for rice, quinoa, things such as that.
-Don’t expect a six pack. Realistically, most people don’t have them. People who do well in the fitness industry and end up fitness models, fitness experts…have a genetic predisposition to look and be that way. Just like some people are better artists, some people are better fit people. But you CAN come close, and you CAN be healthier.
-Throw out your scale. Seriously. Let your doctor weigh you, and worry about numbers. If you pants get tight, you’re gaining and need to adjust. If they get loose? You’re doing well.
-online trackers like SparkPeople allow you to track exercise and calorie intake, as well as provide communities to share. Weight Watchers isn’t so bad, either. It helps to have contact with others going through the same thing,
Finally: It’s going to be hard. You gain in certain areas, but you lose it all over your body at the same rate. Don’t beat yourself up if it takes some time, and do find ways to relax and take care of yourself, even pamper yourself through the process.

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